Looking for cheats for Gardenscapes? There are plenty of sites that claim that you can type in your username, press a few buttons and obtain thousands of stars and coins instantly. But do any of these hack websites really work? We tested them to find out.
Gardenscapes is one of the biggest hit games the mobile market has ever seen. It’s from the same developer as homescapes and it seems like they have another hit game on their hands. The game has a massive 5.5 million reviews on Android with an average rating of 4.6 stars. On iOS the game is also very popular. We’ve been plaing Gardenscapes for a pretty long time and definitely enjoy it.
But there’s one big problem in Gardenscapes: running out of coins. Without coins the amount of fun you can have in Gardenscapes is pretty hindered, and when you buy them the price can quickly add up. For that reason we were curious if it would be possible to obtain free coins through the use of cheats or hacks. If you’re on our website then you’re probably wondering the same thing.
While it’s easy to find sites that offer these cheats, how do you know which ones actually work? The only way to find out is by testing them, but this is a long process due to how many of such sites there are. Luckily for you, we’ve done all the testing so you don’t have to.
Gardenscapes hacks
While there are many different websites that claim to have a working hack for Gardenscapes, they do not appear to differ very much in their appearance. Usually these websites come equipped with some sort of “coins generator”. You’re supposed to enter your username into a field and select how many coins you would like to generate.
In order to find out if these coin hacks really work we decided to test them out and we’re going to show you exactly what happened.
First off we entered our username in the field below:
Then we pressed the yellow “generate” button. Once we pressed this button we were asked how many coins and stars we would like. As you can see in the screen shot below, they claim to be able to add pretty ridiculous amounts to your account.
Naturally we chose to generate a million stars and coins and pressed the “generate now” button once more. Upon pressing the button the site informed us that the hacking was in process and that we had to sit back and wait for a bit. This took only a few seconds, but we weren’t done yet.
Before we could receive our requested stars and coins we had to complete one of those dreaded human verification things. However, we were promised that we would receive the stars and coins immediately afterwards, so we completed it. But did it work?
Do the hacks for Gardenscapes actually work?
Once we had completed all the steps we were eager to see if it had worked. We launched Gardenscapes, but to our disappointment the amount of stars and coins we had was stille exactly the same as before.
This coins/stars generator did not work at all.
And we didn’t just test one of those hacks. Oh no, we took the effort and tested every single one of these so called coin generators in hopes of finding at least one that actually worked. However, all of them are exactly the same. They will all promise you that their hack is different from all the others and will actually work but in reality none of them work.
Maybe you have come across similar websites yourself on your quest for free coins and stars. Perhaps you’ve even tried some of them out yourself. If you have then you know just as well as we do that they’re simply too good to be true and a big waste of your time. If you haven’t wasted your time trying to use one of them yet, consider yourself lucky.
But don’t be too sad; there is an alternative method getting free coins that DOES work. Curious how, we’ll tell you.
How to get free coins in Gardenscapes legitimately
We’ve discovered the only working method of obtaining free coins and we’re going to share it with you today completely for free.
The method we’ve discovered is guaranteed to work and doesn’t break any of the game rules. There is no hacking or cheating involved at all. Despite that, it’s still a very powerful and easy method.
We’ve created a quick and to the point guide that will show you step by step exactly how you can replicate our method. The guide is available completely for free and best of all; there’s no human verification or downloads needed. You can simply press the button below and access our guide instantly.
Top 3 beginner tips for Gardenscapes
If you’re a new player and want to learn a few tips and tricks we’ve got that covered too. Check out these 3 tips and tricks that we wish we would’ve known when we started playing the game!
1) Collect your daily spin
You can receive some free rewards from your daily spin. For that reason it’s a good idea to log in to the game every day, even if you don’t have the time to really play the game on a certain day just to use your daily free spin.
You can receive some coins or a booster from this spin, so it’s definitely worth using.
2) Save your coins
Coins are important and you should only use them when you REALLY need them. Don’t waste them on easy levels. We can’t tell you how often we’ve been in the situation where we desperately needed a few coins but didn’t have any available because we wasted them all on easy levels. (That was before we discovered the method in our guide, ever since we’ve had no problem with running out of coins).
Saving your coins for crucial moments can help you save a lot of time and frustration. Use them wisely!
3) Manage your energy
In Gardenscapes you have daily tasks. Completing them all will give you some rewards and will start a new day. It’s a smart idea to wait with completing 100% of the tasks until you’re completely out of energy.
The reason for this is that whenever you start a new day your energy will be completely filled up. So not only will you receive the rewards from completing the daily tasks, you’ll also get full energy! Now that’s efficiency.