If you’re a fan of idle games then you might’ve heard about Hotel Empire Tycoon. The game was recently released by mobile gaming studio Codigames for both Android and iOS. Hotel Empire Tycoon became popular on both of these platforms quite quickly. the game also has good ratings; with an average rating of 4.6 stars on iOS and 4.4 stars on Android.
In the game you’re the owner of your very own hotel. The goal is to manage it well and make as much money as possible. However, in order to do that you might need some help. That’s why we’re going to share our top tips & tricks with you that’ll help you elevate your game. Let’s get into it!
Do not neglect the missions
This should be obvious but we’re going to state it anyway: do not skip the missions. The missions in Hotel Empire Tycoon are vital. They progress you through the game and reward you with a good amount of money for completing them.
Furthermore, you can only get a new mission once you’ve completed your current one. Which means that it’s more efficient to complete quests right as you get them in order to get the maximum benefit from them.
You can find the missions on the top right of your screen, as seen in the screenshot below.
Make sure to have enough rooms
If you do not have enough rooms in your hotel to accommodate all your guests you’re going to run into trouble. After all, if there’s no empty rooms for your guests to stay in they’ll leave.
A quick way to see how many empty rooms you have available to be booked by new guests is by checking the LED monitor in the reception.
If the number on the screen is 0 then that’s bad. You have to build new rooms ASAP because there’s no space for new guests to stay in your hotel. We recommend you to always try to keep this number above 0. Personally we try to always keep some spare rooms in reserve so you don’t miss out on potential guests.
To add to this, there’s a difference between single and double rooms. If there’s a couple entering your hotel looking for a room and you only have single rooms available they will leave. Therefore, it’s absolutely necessary to build both double and single rooms.
Keep your rooms clean
If a room is dirty people will not book it. Therefore, it’s essential that you have enough staff in your hotel to keep your rooms looking pristine. However, there’s a fine balance between having too much and having too little staff. You have to get this balance just right, because if you have too much staff you’ll be wasting money and if you do not have enough staff then your hotel is not operating at maximum efficiency.
We recommend you to only hire staff when you feel like you can afford it. If you have too much staff and cannot afford to pay their wages they will resign.
Upgrades = more money
Upgrading the rooms is of vital importance. Whenever you upgrade something in a room, for instance the bed, drawers or the shower the room value will increase. When the room value increases people will pay more for it. This means that investing money in buying upgrades for rooms is always a good idea.
The order of upgrades is up to you, but we recommend you to not go overboard upgrading one room to the maximum and leaving the others behind. It’s usually better to keep all rooms evenly upgraded.
Take care of the electricity room
Electricity is of huge importance in this game. Without it you’re stuck. You need electricity to add rooms, upgrade your accommodations and much more. The electricity room can be found in your hotel. If you don’t know what it looks like, check out the screenshot below:
The arrow indicates where you should tap to upgrade your electrical room. Once you tap there you have the option to upgrade the generator and batteries which your hotel needs. You also have an overview there of how much electricity every room uses.
Keep double profits (VIP Campaigns) running
Hotel Empire Tycoon is an idle game, but when you’re actively playing it’s a good idea to keep double profits up whenever you can. As the name “double profits” suggests, the amount of money you earn will be doubled when you have it enabled.
You can enable it by clicking in the bottom right of your screen and watching a video advertisement.
Keep an eye out for very important patrons
VIPs (Very Important Patrons) will occasionally visit your hotel. You can recognize them by the glow around their character. When you tap on them you have the option to watch a video advertisement in return for a decent amount of cash. When you’re new to the game the amount of cash you get from them is quite low, however, the further you progress the more money they give you.
That’s all for our tips and tricks for Hotel Empire Tycoon. If you have any questions about the game, feel free to use the comment section below. Similarly, if you have any of your own tips you’d like to share also feel free to leave a comment.
I wouldn’t play it because their is too many things to remember at one time. If you got into the game step by step it would be easier to remember things.